An Integrated Intelligent Intersection Control System (III-CS) for Safety Improvement
Developing a Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool
Extending the I-95 Rule-based Incident Duration System with an Automated Knowledge Transferability Model
Pedestrian behavior at crosswalks with pedestrian countdown signals
Ocean City Evacuation Clearance Time Estimation
US40 at Red Toad Road Dilemma Zone Protection System Evaluation
The Construction and the Input Procedures for an Interchange and a Work Zone
Effect of Short Left-turn Bay on Intersection Capacity
Interrelations between Accident Rates, Signal Amber Times and Vehicle Performance Characteristic
CHART 2000 Evaluation and Comparison Interim Report
Analysis of Accidents on Surface Streets
Analysis of Accidents on Freeway Segments
CHART Evaluation Procedures
Effects of Automated Speed Enforcement in Maryland Work Zones
Arterial-friendly Local Ramp Metering Control
Integrated Variable Speed Limit Control to Minimize Recurrent Highway Congestions
An Integrated Signal Control System to Mitigate Queue Spillback on Freeway Off-ramps
Introduction to Unconventional Intersection/Interchange Design in Maryland
Eastern-Shore Regional Traffic and Incident Monitoring and Management System
Introduction to Dilemma Zone Protection System
An Integrated Multi-modal Emergency Evacuation System for the Baltimore Metropolitan area - New
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