The applications of Drone
Traffic Analysis of I-270 Corridor
Contending with Congestion from both Demand and Control perspectives
ATTAP Quarterly Newsletter (Oct.-Dec. 2015)
Simulation Optimization of Urban Arterial Signals via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)
Investigating Critical Driver Behavioral Patterns during the Yellow Phase at Signalized Intersections
Empirical Investigation of Critical Factors Affecting Driver Responses during the Yellow Phase: a Case Study at Six Maryland Intersections
Emergency Incident Management, Benefits and Operational Issues — Performance and Benefits Evaluation of CHART
A Video-based Method for Evaluating Traffic Data from Detectors
Tour Guide for ATTAP
Maryland Unconventional Intersection Design (MUID)
Roundabout Information Query System
Critical Lane Volume
Interchange Template Analysis Program
CHART Input and Analysis
Traffic Monitoring System for the Ocean City Region
Evaluation of a Dynamic Late Merege System
Interrelations between Congestion Levels and Accidents
Analysis of Accidents on Surface Streets
Analysis of Accidents on Freeway Segments
Algorithm for Detector-Error Screening on Basis of Temporal and Spatial Information
An Integrated Intelligent Intersection Control System (III-CS) for Safety Improvement
Extending the I-95 Rule-based Incident Duration System with an Automated Knowledge Transferability Model
Pedestrian behavior at crosswalks with pedestrian countdown signals
Arterial-friendly Local Ramp Metering Control
Integrated Variable Speed Limit Control to Minimize Recurrent Highway Congestions
An Integrated Signal Control System to Mitigate Queue Spillback on Freeway Off-ramps
Introduction to Unconventional Intersection/Interchange Design in Maryland
Eastern-Shore Regional Traffic and Incident Monitoring and Management System
Introduction to Dilemma Zone Protection System
An Integrated Multi-modal Emergency Evacuation System for the Baltimore Metropolitan area - New
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