28. September 2015 · Comments Off on A Transit-Based Evacuation Model for Metropolitan Areas · Categories: Journal Papers, Publications

Authors: Xin Zhang and Gang-Len Chang
Journal: Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2014
Abstract:  This paper develops a decision-support model for transit-based evacuation planning occurring in metropolitan areas. The model consists of two modules executed in a sequential manner: the first deals with determining pick-up locations from candidate locations based on the spatial distribution of the evacuees, and the second plans for the route and schedule for each transit vehicle based on vehicle availability and evacuee demand pattern. An overlapping clustering algorithm is first adopted in allocating the demands to several nearby clusters. Then, an optimization model is proposed to allocate available buses from the depots to transport the assembled evacuees between the pick-up locations and different safety destinations and public shelters. A numerical example based on the city of Baltimore demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model and the advantages compared to state-of-the-art models with overly strict and unrealistic assumptions.

Download (A-Transit-Based-Evacuation-Model-for-Metropolitan-Areas.pdf)

28. September 2015 · Comments Off on A Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Intersections Experiencing Heavy Scooter–Vehicle Mixed Traffic Flows · Categories: Journal Papers, Publications

Authors: Chien-Lun Lan and Gang-Len Chang
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014
Abstract:  In response to the need for designing signal plans for congested intersections caused by heavy scooter–vehicle mixed flows, this paper presents our formulated model for optimizing both the cycle length and signal timings for isolated intersections. The proposed model accounts for the interactions between scooter and vehicle flows and reflects the maneuverability of scooters in the queue formation and discharging process. The robustness of the proposed formulations has been evaluated with field data and laboratory experiments. The signal optimization model, grounded on such formulations for scooter–vehicle mixed flows, has also been implemented at an intersection and assessed with a rigorous before-and-after field analysis. Our research concludes that incorporating the unique properties of scooter flows is essential for design and development of effective signal control strategies to contend with recurrent congestion caused by heavy mixed scooter–vehicle flows.

Download (A-Traffic-Signal-Optimization-Model-for-Intersections-Experiencing-Heavy-Scooter-Vehicle-Mixed-Traffic-Flows.pdf)

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