29. May 2022 · Comments Off on US301 at Croom Station

US301 at Croom Station

Files in this folder contains calibrated network at US301@ Croom Station Rd, an isolated intersection in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. To evaluate the effectiveness of the dilemma zone protection system (DZPS), the actuated control signal system has wide-range sensors deployed in the mainline. Multiple conventional sensors are placed to mimic the function of the radar-based advance sensor capable of detecting speed and location of vehicles every 0.1(sec). Three modes can be studied in this network (a) actuated control; (b) actuated control with all-red extension; and (c) actuated control with all-red extension and dynamic green extension. Suggested to use software SSAM from Federal Highway Administration to analyze safety. Refer to Parket al.(2015), “ Design and evaluation of an advanced dilemma zone protection system: advanced warning sign and all-red extension” for relevant study.
1. Vissim version: 5.4
2. Two ways to use the file (a) click *.inp file directly to run VISSIM without control or (b) open *.exe file to run simulations with wide-range sensors.

Vissim version: 5.4

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