17. May 2019 · Comments Off on LCAP · Categories: Resource, useful tools

The Lane Closure Analysis Program (LCAP), developed by University of Maryland for the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, is a tool to determine the available traffic capacity under freeway work-zone operations and to estimate the resulting queues from candidate work-zone schedules.
Two different versions are available:

  • LCAP-Basic: to estimate the available capacity of freeway work zones for a typical work-zone configuration and evaluate the resulting traffic queues.

Download LCAP v1.3 Basic (Last update: 9/26/2019)

  • LCAP-Pro: to estimate the available capacity of freeway work-zone operations on a complex roadway segment including ramp impacts by embedding an ability to execute TSIS-CORSIM, to perform detailed simulations of work-zone traffic conditions, and to compute the resulting queues at a microscopic level.

Download LCAP v1.2 Pro (Executable Only) (Last update: 10/5/2009)

Download LCAP v1.2 Pro Setup Package (Last update: 3/3/2009)

Download (LCAP_INTRO_website-May2019.pdf)

LCAP Final Report

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27. February 2018 · Comments Off on Concurrent Optimization of Signal Progression and Crossover Spacing for Diverging Diamond Interchanges · Categories: Uncategorized

Authors: Yao Cheng, Gang-Len Chang, and Saed Rahwanji
Journal: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Diverging diamond interchanges (DDIs) are widely recognized to be capable of reducing conflict points, number of stops, and consequently average traffic delay. However, the design of their crossover spacing and signal offsets, which is critical to the capacity and efficient operations of DDIs, have not been addressed in most design guidelines. These two critical design components are actually interdependent in nature, because the estimated travel time between a DDI’s two subintersections for all movement paths is essential for the design of signal offsets. Also, the crossover spacing should be designed to accommodate queues comprised mostly of those vehicles not moving within the signal progression band, which is often designed with a given crossover spacing. Considering such an interdependent relation between signal offsets and the crossover spacing, this study presents a model that can concurrently optimize these two vital DDI design elements at the planning level. A case study at a DDI site with the proposed model has also been conducted to justify the necessity to perform the concurrent optimization under different operational conditions. The results of extensive numerical experiments confirm that the design with the optimized crossover spacing and offset can yield the shortest total delay and the least number of stops for vehicles over the entire network, especially under near-saturated conditions. The optimized crossover spacing can also prevent the formation of the queue spillover over the crossovers in a DDI.

Download (DDI-signal.pdf)

09. February 2018 · Comments Off on Analyzing Driver Behaviors at Intersections with RLC Deployment · Categories: Traffic Safety

Download (F-RLC-02062018.pdf)

11. January 2018 · Comments Off on AN ARTERIAL-BASED TRANSIT SIGNAL PRIORITY CONTROL SYSTEM · Categories: Conference Papers

Abstract: To contend with the negative impacts of intersection-based transit system priority (TSP) control on side-street traffic and also to enhance its effectiveness from the entire arterial’s perspective, this study presents an integrated arterial-based TSP system to promote the bus operations. The proposed system employs an off-line transit-based progression system to produce the base signal plan, which is embedded with a feature to minimize the negative impacts of local TSP implementation on non-priority movements at critical intersections. With its specially designed evaluation function, the proposed system is capable of minimizing ineffective activations of local TSP which often results in undesirable arriving patterns to its downstream intersection and excessive delays of all vehicles. Extensive evaluation with simulation experiments confirms that the proposed system, integrating local TSP with transit-based signal progression systems, can indeed circumvent the deficiencies of conventional TSP and produce the expected benefits to both passenger cars and transit vehicles over the entire arterial.
Presented at TRB’s 97th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, in Washington, D.C.

Download (F-TRB_TSP_01082018-rr.pdf)

29. August 2017 · Comments Off on Intelligent Dilemma Zone Protection System at High-Speed Intersections · Categories: Publications, SHA Reports And Presentation

Drivers’ actions in an intersection’s dilemma zone – the area where the decision to stop at a yellow light or continue through it is not clear-cut – can lead to side-angle and rear-end crashes. In Maryland, researchers developed an intelligent dilemma zone protection system (DZPS) that is reducing these crashes by anticipating drivers’ decisions and responding. The DZPS system was deployed at two high-speed rural intersections (US 40@Western Maryland Parkway and MD 213@Williams/Locust Point Road), and it has three components:
(1) two wide-range sensors to track the speeds and locations of all vehicles within the identified dilemma zones;
(2) software to predict the response of drivers during the yellow phase and to activate the all-red extension function if needed; and
(3) a web-based module for responsible engineers/technicians to monitor the system’s performance from a control center.
Measured benefits of DZPS include a 30 to 40 percent reduction in dilemma zone length and fewer vehicles approaching the intersection at speeds greater than the posted speed limit. The all-red extensions have helped prevent crashes between through traffic and vehicles entering the intersection from the cross street.

Download (MD-17-SHA-UM-3-32_DMZ_Report.pdf)

27. July 2017 · Comments Off on MIDCAP · Categories: Uncategorized

Maryland Intersection and Interchange Design & Capacity Analysis Program (MIDCAP), developed by University of Maryland, College Park and MDOT SHA, is a tool to conduct a capacity/ queuing analysis for signalized intersections and interchanges, signal warrant and shoulder bypass analysis at the preliminary, planning, or design stage along with left turn phase selection and lighting recommendation. For questions or technical support, please contact us at midcap@umd.edu.

Download (MIDCAP_INTRO_website_05202020.pdf)

>>MIDCAP Request<<(MIDCAP VERSION: May 20, 2020)

17. July 2017 · Comments Off on MIDCAP · Categories: Resource, useful tools

Maryland Intersection and Interchange Design & Capacity Analysis Program (MIDCAP), developed by University of Maryland, College Park and MDOT SHA, is a tool to conduct a capacity/ queuing analysis for signalized intersections and interchanges, signal warrant and shoulder bypass analysis at the preliminary, planning, or design stage along with left turn phase selection and lighting recommendation. For questions or technical support, please contact us at midcap@umd.edu.

Download (MIDCAP_INTRO_website-final_08032017.pdf)

26. May 2017 · Comments Off on Development of Interval-based Planning Models for Evaluating the Bay Length in a Signalized Superstreet · Categories: Uncategorized

Download (S02_Xu-PresPP_0519.pdf)

26. May 2017 · Comments Off on Concurrent Optimization of Signal Progression and Crossover Spacing for Diverging Diamond Interchanges · Categories: Uncategorized

Download (S05_Cheng_PresPP_3.pdf)

11. January 2017 · Comments Off on Design, Deployment, and Evaluation of the Dilemma Zone Protection System · Categories: Publications, Thesis / Dissertation

Download (Park_dissertation.pdf)

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