<US Connected project timeline> [1]
VSC (Vehicle Safety Communication) (2002~2004)
IntelliDrive / VII (Vehicle Infrastructure Integration) (2004~2009)
CICAS (Cooperation Intersections Collision Avoidance System) (2004~2009)
VSC-A (Vehicle Safety Communications-Applications) (2006~2009)
SafeTrip21 (Safe and Efficient Travel through Innovation and Partnerships for the 21st Century) (2008~2011)
Connected Vehicle Research (2011~Ongoing)
Safety Pilot (2011~2014)
• Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

<CVIS, SAFESPOT and COOPERS vision> [1]
CVIS (Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems) (2006~2010)
<CVIS technology> [12] |
SAFESPOT (Integrated Project Cooperative Systems for Road Safety) (2006~2010)
<SAFESPOT technology> [13] |
COOPERS (CO-OPERrative System for intelligent road safety) (2006~2010)
<COOPERS technology> [15] |
PRECIOSA (PRivacy Enabled Capability In co-Operative Systems and Safety Applications) (2008–2010)
PREDRIVE C2X (PREparation for DRIVing implementation and Evaluation of C- 2-X Communication technology) (2008–2010)
DRIVE C2X (DRIVing implementation and Evaluation of C2X communication technology in Europe) (2011–2014)
<DRIVE C2X technology> [18] |
COMeSafety2 (Communications for eSafety 2) (2011~2013)
<COMSafety2 system> [20] |

[ITS Green Safety in Japan] [21]
VICS (Vehicle Information And Communication System) (1995~2003)
<VICS technology> [22] |
ITS SPOT (2009)
<ITS SPOT technology> [21] |
DSSS (Driving Safety Support Systems) (2011~ Ongoing)
<DSSS technology> [21] |
ASV Project (Advanced Safety Vehicle) (1991~Ongoing)
Smartyway (2006~2010)
<Smartway technology> [21] |
ITS-Safety 2010 (2006 ~ 2010)
South Korea
U-transportation (Ubiquitous Transportation) (2006~2012)
<U-transportation technology> [30] |
Smart Highway (2008~2014)
<Smart Highway technology> [33] |
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[12]”Communication between vehicles and the road,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2015].
[13]”SAFESPOT Integrated Project,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2015].
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[17]R. Stahlmann, A. Festag, A. Tomatis, I. Radusch and F. Fischer, “Starting European field test for Car-2-X communication: The Drive C2X Framework,” in 18th ITS World Congress and Exhibition, 2011.
[18]”Drive-C2X,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2015].
[19]”ERTICO,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2015].
[20]”COMSafety2,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2015].
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[23]S. SUZUKI, F. KANAZAWA and T. TSUKIJI, “Towards Safer and More Efficient Road Traffic with Existing Road Networks and Cooperative ITS Service – Case of ‘ITS Spot Service’ in Japan.,” ITS Asia Pacific Forum 2014, 2014.
[24]European Commission, “Energy ITS Workshop, UMTS Symposium and Smartway/DSSS/ASV Demonstrations, Tokyo, Japan 24-27 February 2009.,” European Commission, 2009.
[25]I. Paromtchik and C. Laugier, “The Advanced Safety Vehicle Programme,” Scientific Commons, 2007.
[26]Y. Furukawa, “Overview of R&D on Active Safety in Japan,” Car to Car Consortium, 2006.
[27]K. ISHIDA, “Development of ASV in Japan – ASV Promotion Project, Phase3,” MLIT.
[28]R. Harris, “ITS and the latest developments that contribute to road safety,” World Road Association, 2010.
[29]G. Karagiannis, O. Altintas, E. Ekici, G. Heijenk, B. Jarupan, K. Lin and T. Weil, “Vehicular Networking: A Survey and Tutorial on Requirements, Architectures, Challenges, Standards and Solutions,” Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 584-616, 2011.
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